Your Order Cancellation Rights

Thank you for shopping at AbcCanyoning!
If, for any reason, You are not completely satisfied with a purchase we invite you to review our policy on cancellation and refunds.

You are entitled to cancel Your Order 24 hours in advance from the start time of your tour, without giving any reason for doing so, with a 15% penalization used to pay charges of taxes and payment gateways.

Cancelations within 23 hours before the start time will be penalized with a 100%.

In order to exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform Us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by email: [email protected]

By phone number: +506 89342626

We will reimburse You no later than during 5 days. We will use the same means of payment as You used for the Order, reciving a the 85% refund from your total Order.